Lion or Lamb?

We all know the saying, March comes “in like a lion, and out like a lamb.”  When March begins, it’s still winter, and by the end of the month spring has begun--or should be beginning. In many parts of the country -- like mine -- the weather hasn’t quite reached the lamb stage by the end of the month—it’s more like an angry cat.  The Farmer’sAlmanac has a pretty good article on the saying if you’re interested in learning more.  As I’ve written in my past few blogs, winter here in Eastern Oregon is being an overachiever, causing many plans to change.  March started with the same attitude. But, as I am embracing change this year, all is good, right? 😉

The saying means that we hope if March starts off stormy, it will end on a calm note, but the key word is hope.   This made me think in terms of life.  Life goes along nice and calm and easy.  Then a storm hits, and we batten down the hatches and hope we live through it.

“1: to cherish a desire with anticipation: to want something to happen or be true--hopes for a promotion; hoping for the best; I hope so.”

The storm can be the lion; or we can face it like one with courage or ferocity.  As time marches on, the storm begins to weaken, things start to go back to normal and then we’re a lamb again.  In life, and in person.  We don’t have to continue on in fierce mode to make it through.  Although, I don’t think there is anything wrong with being fierce in our approach to life. We just need to keep a positive spin on it, to be “furiously active or determined” can take one far.  But, balance it with being lamb-like – gentle.  Some people are one or the other, but most of us are both lion and lamb.

There are many instances I see the lion or lamb analogy come to life.  Sporting activities begin with anticipation and excitement (lion).  The Super Bowl has a lot of hype leading up to it, and we football-loving Americans play into the hype, feeding it to a fevered pitch.  When it’s over, we’re back to life as usual, perhaps feeling a little let down.  But the lion is gone, the lamb returns.  Perhaps you find yourself facing a disagreement with someone (loved one, co-worker, boss, friend).  We all enter this situation as a lion, mustering our courage and ferocity to go in and win that argument – entering the storm.  Of course, I realize, many people are champion debaters and maintain their lion throughout.  But most of us are reasonable people, and after discussion can reach a mutual agreement and return to lamb status once again. We enter stormy situations with the hope that it will end on a calm note.  Maybe it’s just me; I don’t like conflict and I can often see two sides to a situation.  Not to say I’m a pushover; I will fight for what I believe to be right.  But I also believe everyone is entitled to their opinions.  And everyone else is entitled to agree or disagree.  But I will face lion with lion and hope for the lamb to rise up in the end.

We have had our fair share of storms in my family that entered our lives as lions.  We became lions and faced the storms until they calmed down into lambs, and we became lambs ourselves. 

So, what are the lions in your life you are hoping will turn to lambs?  And, do you face the lions as, a lion -- with courage and ferocity?  Are you a lion, or a lamb, or both? I’d love to read your comments below.



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